they watch

Crows & Crowns

killing my wrist since 2020!
a homegrown art shop

FYI for WFP: a lotta this art is old because i havent really updated it recently lmao


tos document. non-compliance will result in a blacklisting.
(removed temporarily for rehaul)


scourge does drag. that's it. that's all. goodbye.

Contact me

discord [most active] - the raven's shadow#3999
deviantart [inactive] - scxrletvendxtta
tumblr [inactive] - scxletvendxtta [inactive] - scxrletvendxtta
gmail [infrequently checked] - [email protected]
twitter - private


click the buttons to see the page with the corresponding examples!


dni if you are:
- a terf
- looking for free art :)

bust examples

colored sketch

part painted, flat lined

sketch version of above

halfbody examples

full painted (cropped version of the actual piece)

polished trad. sketch (cropped version, full one is way too long)

wip of below

finished version of above

fullbody examples

flat-lined, flat-colored character reference

full painted (cropped version of a full scene)

wip version of above scene

polished sketch


i will not serve those who are/associate with/condone/enable:
homo/lesbiphobesterfs/transphobesenbyphobesace/arophobes or ace exclusionistsbi/panphobesracists/white supremacists/neo-nazispdos/grmers/absersxthedragonrebornx | bringerofashes / cygatehell / xashbringer | gaiawolfe | aprilsilverwolf | rhynobullraq | saebira | vetur the icewing | vixcon | zombiekiller | itsreigning | princessgoldenrod / queen-widow / whatever the fuck he's going by now
anyone who disrespects the alphabet people will be burnt at the stake, thank you and have a good day.